Here are the questions frequently asked of Kobe Convention Center and the answers to them. If you have any other questions, please contact us by phone or by using the inquiry form.
Please see the access information.《Access》
Please see the parking map.《Parking Map PDF》
No discount is available.
There is no motorcycle parking lot in the facilities we manage in the venue.
Please visit the Wi-Fi Communication Environment page. For details, click here.
The facilities have slopes and elevators.
There is no permanent baggage room in the venue. Please ask the organizer or the secretariat of the event in which you will be participating about the matter.
There is no permanent smoking area in the venue. Please ask the organizer or the secretariat of the event in which you will be participating about the matter.
There is no Lost and Found in the venue. We turn in found articles to the Police.
Call us or make an inquiry by filling out and sending the inquiry form.
Copyright 2017 Kobe Convention & Tourism Bureau,All Rights Reserved.